Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Lonely Night

Lonely Night in Kampar after watch Hong Kong movie with house mates.
Oh no,12.30am!
Go rest already larh~
8.30am General math lecturer class!!WooHoo...

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

It is raining outside now.
The weather reflects my mood -Down T.T
What's happening ?!
I really HATE myself today.
I don't even have the courage to express my own feelings.WTF?
My thought and my action is totally different.
I remembered i said i would be able to speak up in front of the class even at the stage.
Now what?
Okay..okay.i was wrong~
I will try my best to give the best speech in next performance.
The problems i face are i lost my lines/points when i want to speak.Totally blank~
Of course,i feel very nervous also..
One day,i want to speak as he does!

                                                        barrack Obama
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